Illustration of a right foot and clouds shapes made by starling birds flying over a sunset horizon. Title reads "On the move: troubling categories of (im)mobility". Text with categories all over the illustration is associated to birds with small arrows pointing at them. Colours black, grey, and blue over cream white background. Illustration signed by Juanchila, 30 January 2025.

On the move: Troubling categories of (im)mobility

« On the move: Troubling categories of (im)mobility » is inspired from conversations within the GRABS project team, and the horrific, yet hopeful, sight of bird nests built on top of razor wire fences at the entrance of Calais, France. After the original illustration, I made a composite with a long list of these troubling categories and their definitions using various glossaries, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. Finally, I wrote a short commentary piece to accompany the illustration.

Dissémination des résultats du projet

Les opérations prévues pour la dissémination ont commencé par une phase d’expérimentation menée par l’équipe de l’Université de Paris 8 avec la diffusion dans des cours en ligne (Master en sciences de l’éducation, semestre 1, 2010-21) de vidéos des classes virtuelles. Compte tenu du contexte sanitaire COVID-19, de l’impossibilité d’accéder à nos sites universitaires respectifs…

Video test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida, sapien a pretium auctor, est ligula porttitor elit, eget fringilla elit tellus vitae orci. Ut ut semper augue. Nam id tortor at ante tempus posuere. Sed aliquam accumsan sapien auctor hendrerit. Aenean eget risus congue eros congue aliquam at eu ligula. Pellentesque nibh purus, vulputate…